Finishing and Framing Your Work
Finishing and Framing your work

1. If it is absolutely necessary, it is possible to wash your work—use a mild detergent (not a biological washing powder) and warm water. Rinse well and allow to dry naturally before pressing.
2. To press your finished work, place it face down onto a clean towel and press gently with a warm iron.
3. To mount your work, place it over a suitably sized mount board, right side up, taking care to centre the design.
4. Push pins through the fabric into the edge of the board on all sides until you are happy that your design is straight, smooth and central.
5. Working on the back, use strong thread and a needle to ‘lace’ the fabric from one side to the other. Work all the way along from top to bottom and then repeat for the sides.
6. Remove the pins, and your work is now ready to frame.
As an alternative, we suggest that you contact a picture framer, who will mount, stretch and frame your stitching.
Happy stitching,